
Ethical AI in Gaming: Navigating the Affective Loop for User Safety and Experience

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Video games serve as a vital medium through which s interact with computers, thereby playing an instrumental role in our understanding of behavior and emotions at scale. As tools are increasingly adopted by the gaming industry, they inevitably give rise to several ethical concerns that have not been extensively discussed within this context. Fueled by the gap in comprehensive review onethics as it pertns to games, we embark upon a survey of current practices and delve into ethical considerations surrounding these systems from an all-encompassing perspective centered around the affective loop.

The affective loop is a framework that outlines three core stages: elicitation, sensing, and detection. These components form the basis for us to systematically investigate the ethical dilemmas encountered in game development:

  1. Elicitation: This phase involves the creation of artificial emotions within users through gameplay experiences orinteractions. Ethical boundaries must be carefully defined to prevent manipulation or exploitation that could undermine user autonomy or mental health.

  2. Sensing: Here, s monitor and interpret user behavior and emotional states in real-time. The trade-offs between privacy protection and ensuring a safe gaming environment are paramount; ethical guidelines need to ensure transparency while safeguarding users' personal data.

  3. Detection: This phase pertns to howadapts game mechanics or on players' responses, potentially leading to challenges of transparency, ownership, and the balance between personalized experiences and user control.

We advocate for a comprehensive dialogue surroundingethics in gaming that protect users while guiding developers towards creating safer, more ethical, and better experiences. By establishing an appropriate framework, our objective is to ensure the well-being of gamers within both current and future virtual spaces.

The paper underscores the necessity for fostering an inclusive ecosystem whereis developed ethically, with a focus on transparency, privacy preservation, and user control. This calls for a multidisciplinary approach that integrates insights fromethics, data privacy laws like GDPR, -computer interaction principles, and game research to address issues of frness, accountability, and responsibility.

Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of developing robust ethical frameworks that can adapt to the evolving landscape ofapplications in gaming. Ascontinues to integrate into various aspects of game design and development, there is a critical need for industry standards that prioritize user welfare without compromising on innovation or entertnment value.

, this article serves as an invitation to collectively address these challenges through collaborative dialogue among academics, developers, policymakers, and stakeholders across the game industry. By doing so, we can shape a future whereenhances gaming experiences in positive ways while safeguarding agnst potential ethical pitfalls.
is reproduced from: https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/ta/2024/01/10125072/1Nc4OYUWj8k

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AI Ethics in Video Game Development Affective Loop in Gaming Interactions Privacy Protection vs User Safety Online Transparency in AI Driven Games Emotional Elicitation and Its Ethics Dynamic Game Personalization: ChallengesSolutions